Tuesday, April 17, 2012

End of The First Term At Red Rose

The Kids were in high spirits as they attended their closing school assembly where several students were rewarded for their various achievements. After their exams, this was a well deserved breather! It was such a joyous occasion and a great finish to this first term as the students got to sit back, relax, laugh and join in the success of their colleagues.

Students liked what they heard

Owen one of the 4th graders thrilled as he received his gift

Red Rose teachers were also not left behind....

Some students left at the end of the day to start on their long holiday while others started preparing for their two week holiday tuition as they planned on what to do in the coming school term to improve.
As they put their belongings together, they said goodbye to their teachers, fellow classmates and their friends. Most of the children looked forward to catching up with family, friends and relatives.

We really look forward to having them back for their second term in school!

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