Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thank You!

Red Rose pupils donned in games kits donated by the
Potomac School
Red Rose School is making a grand entry into the intellectual charts among Kibera academic institutions. The school has grown to become a force to reckon with in the academic fronts. This has been made possible because of the relentless support we got from our friends both in Kenya and abroad. The year 2012 in particular has seen the school greatly improve and achieve much of its objectives.
Our sincere gratitude is extended to all individuals, groups and organizations who influenced our projects and programs and made a difference in the Red Rose community. The gifts and the donations did much in realizing the objectives that were outlined for this year.

The knowledge we shared from the Skype calls, the feelings we shared from the penpals letters, the small gifts we exchanged and the huge donations you extended to us did much in confirming how successful this year was.
As a friend, supporter and a lover of the school, wherever you are, whatever you do, you shall always remain in our hearts. You have helped in shaping our dreams and nurtured and helped shape the future of our society, our children- the most valuable resources that nature has provided to us.
Graduating Pre-Unit pupils posing with their solar lanterns donated by CoKF
The inerasable mark you leave in these innocent souls, the joy imprinted in their lives and the hope that remains in their minds will never be forgotten or taken for granted.
We are happy for you giving us the courage to dream and the passion to make it happen and as we strengthen our bonds, we hope to have another successful year come 2013.
Lastly, we wish all our supporters and friends in the United States of America, USA a happy Thanksgiving Season. 

We appreciate the ideas we shared

“Whether it is a thing, or a thought, a gesture or a kind word, the most powerful gifts are those that come straight from the heart.”
-Ralph Marston

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