Thursday, November 23, 2006

Menu for Learning - Lunch and Morning Snacks at Red Rose

The menu at Red Rose is simple yet nutritious, consisting of basic items such as enriched millet porridge, hot chocolate, bread and margarine, tea, rice, beans, ugali (Kenyan polenta), cabbage, githeri (maize and beans mix), carrots and kale. The basic kitchen in the main building, which is a rented three-bedroom single family home. Each of the rooms serves as a classroom. At the back of the property, the rest of the compound has been converted into more learning space made up of semi-permanent classrooms of basic timber frame, corrugated iron sheet walls, wooden window panels, and cement floors. There is not much room left on the compound for playing space.
The school cook stirs a pot of ugali on a charcoal stove (jiko) ready for a typical lunch. Ugali is the carbohydrate corn meal staple, eaten with vegetable, meat, or fish stews. To feed 80 children, the cook needs to prepare about four such large pots of the ugali.

Click here to read about special occassions such as graduation and birthdays at the Red Rose School.

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